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Need for Recovery from work

Too high a workload causes stress reactions and fatigue.  The fatigue must not be greater than that you should be able to recover fully from a day’s work before the next working day starts.  A high Need for Recovery from work can be an early signal of a prolonged period of sick leave or ill health, such as cardiovascular disease.

High workloads have different causes, such as having to perform a large number of work tasks or the work being emotionally demanding. Feeling that you can do a good job (Quality of work) is important to health. The same applies to the ability to interrupt work and take breaks (Recovery opportunities).

26 questions that give you an overview of your situation

A quickcheck with 26 questions can give you an overview of your situation, and some advice on where to go from here.

Need for Recovery

Indicate how you have felt during the past three-four weeks AFTER A WORKING DAY OR A WORK SHIFT by selecting one of the choices for each question.

1I find it difficult to relax at the end of a working day.
You need to answer this question
2By the end of the working day, I feel really worn out.
You need to answer this question
3Because of my job, at the end of the working day I feel rather exhausted.
You need to answer this question
4After the evening meal, I feel in good shape.
You need to answer this question
5I only start to feel relaxed on the second non-working day.
You need to answer this question
6I find it difficult to concentrate in my free time after work.
You need to answer this question
7I cannot really show any interest in other people when I have just come home myself.
You need to answer this question
8I need more than an hour before I feel completely recuperated after work.
You need to answer this question
9When I get home from work, I need to be left in peace for a while.
You need to answer this question
10After a day’s work I feel so tired that I cannot get involved in other activities.
You need to answer this question
11A feeling of tiredness prevents me from doing my work as well as I normally would during the last part of the working day.
You need to answer this question

Recovery opportunities

Rate your Recovery opportunities by selecting one of the choices for each question.

12Can you interrupt your work if you find it necessary to do so?
You need to answer this question
13Can you determine yourself the beginning and the end of your working day?
You need to answer this question
14Can you decide yourself to take a break?
You need to answer this question
15Can you take holidays when it suits you?
You need to answer this question
16Can you take a day off when it suits you?
You need to answer this question
17Can you be obliged to work on a holiday day?
You need to answer this question
18Are your working hours and free days arranged well?
You need to answer this question
19Do you have the possibility of working hours which suit the particular requirements of your private life?
You need to answer this question
20Is your private life adversely affected by irregular working hours?
You need to answer this question

Quality of work

21Do you have adequate resources to perform your work in a way that is satisfactory to you?
You need to answer this question
22Do you ever feel inadequate over not being able to give the help or support that you would like to?
You need to answer this question
23Do you have so much to do that you don’t get around to doing as good of a good job as you would like?
You need to answer this question
24Are you satisfied with the quality of the work you do?
You need to answer this question

Psychosocial working environment

The following questions relate to the psychosocial working environment. One question may suit you and your work better than the other, but please try to answer both questions anyway.

Choose the answer that best matches you and your work.

25Do you have enough time for your work tasks?
You need to answer this question
26Is your work emotionally demanding?
You need to answer this question

Your score

Here are your results in terms of Need for Recovery from work and your workload. You will also find some advice about what you can do.

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