Number of work tasks and work pace

Quantitative Demands and work pace relate to the number of work tasks and time pressure. The number of work tasks relate to Recovery opportunities (e.g. interruptions and breaks) in such a way that a larger workload is a significant contributor to a reduction in Recovery opportunities (Wentz et al., 2015).

Researchers have repeatedly shown the link between a stressed work situation and both increased fatigue after work (Kiss et al., 2008) and increased risk of serious ill health (Kivimäki et al., 2015).

The number of work tasks/Quantitative Demands

Do you have enough time for your work tasks?

The question “Do you have enough time for your work tasks?” is answered in the web tool with either Yes or No. The question is taken from the “Quantitative demands” scale of COPSOQ II (Copenhagen Psychosocial questionnaire) Berthelsen et al. (2014). The “Quantitative demands” scale originally consisted of four questions with a score of 0–100 points.

Examine your own work situation using this tool (Eklöf, 2017).

Quickcheck tool

Quantitative demands and work pace demands

At this workplace, there are one or more individuals who:

  • Consider the work hectic and stressful
  • Have to work at a high pace
  • Have to perform a great deal of work
  • Do not have enough time for important things
  • Do not have enough time to perform their work tasks

When does this happen? How often does it happen? Which situations and which individuals does this apply to? Who is the one making demands on those who work here?

Eklöf M. Psykosocial arbetsmiljö: Begrepp bedömning och utveckling. Studentlitteratur, 2017 Lund.


It is important for the employer to create conditions that empower employees to draw the employer’s attention to particularly stressful working conditions.

Discuss with your colleagues, your safety representative and your manager how you can reduce any unhealthy impact from work. The measures that should be chosen depend on what conditions make the work mentally stressful.


Berthelsen, H., Westerlund, H., & Søndergård Kristensen, T. (2014). COPSOQ II: en uppdatering och språklig validering av den svenska versionen av en enkät för kartläggning av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön på arbetsplatser. Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University.

Eklöf M. Psykosocial arbetsmiljö: Begrepp bedömning och utveckling. Studentlitteratur, 2017 Lund.

Kiss P, De Meester M, Braeckman L. Differences between younger and older workers in the need for recovery after work. Int Arch Environ Occup Health 2008;81:311-20.

Kivimäki M and Ichiro Kawachi I.Work Stress as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease Curr Cardiol Rep. 2015; 17(9): 74. Published online 2015 Aug 4.

Wentz K, Gyllensten K. Utprovning och anpassning till svenska förhållanden av två återhämtnings-instrument. Report 153. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg.

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